We screen print in bulk, the way printing is setup it is designed to print in bulk. The printing is actually the fastest part Where all of the costs and time come in to play are in the setup. This is why your cost per shirt goes down when your qty is increased.
A lot of work goes into getting a shirt ready to print. Artwork has to be mocked up, vectored, separated by each color and then films have to be created. After this, the film is converted into screens. Next, we setup the presses to run the shirts. It takes a good bit of time to setup a press to run shirts.
Because of this we cannot screen print 1 shirt at a time as it would easily cost $150+ to do. The smallest order of shirts we will do is 36 of the same design.
Our other option to do a single piece for a sample would be Direct to garment. To get a direct to garment quote, please fill out the quote form and at the other information section please put that you would like a DTG sample. Pricing for DTG varies between $100-$175 depending on the shirt brand/style.