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Puff Print

This ink creates a design that sits on top of the fabric for a traditional look and feels.

Puff printing is screen printing, but with an additive which make the ink puffed. This ink creates a design that sits on top of the fabric, but it is much more puffed than a print. These inks can be used on any garment or fabric and work best in small print areas. Plastisol screen printing inks are typically used on all blended tees in place of our Standard inks.

Like with most any type of screen printing, it all begins in the screen room. Using the right mesh for puff ink is very important. We recommend anywhere from a 60 mesh to a 90 or 110 mesh. The lower the mesh count, the more open the holes are in the screen, which translates to more ink deposited on the tee. The more ink will result in more additive and more “puff” to your print. Once the ink goes through the dryer, the heat rises the puff and waaaalah we have puffed some ink.

Examples of Puff Screen Print